domingo, septiembre 10, 2006

Un chico que me conmueve (o La magia no es sólo femenina)

La canción es hermosa (aún así, a guitarra pelada, sin todos los arreglos de la versión original). Pero la letra...yo creo que las mejores canciones de amor son justamente aquellas donde no aparece la palabra amor por ningún lado. Esta letra es pura elipsis ;)

Y por qué eso es bueno? Porque los lugares comunes, donde todo está explicitado, perdieron su sentido hace rato...

Fíjense nada más la genialidad de arrancar la primera línea diciendo "It´s not over at all" y ponerle de título "It´s over".

Es exactamente lo que uno siente cuando algo se termina. Sabemos que las estrellas salen una noche...y luego no las vemos más. Y sin embargo, nada se pierde...queda en algún lugar. Después hay otros cielos, otras estrellas...nunca iguales, entonces los perdemos y no, termina y no...

Si las nuevas generaciones vienen así...nothing has been lost!

IT'S OVER (Sondre Lerche)

It's not over at all
You're just trying to smile
I know perfectly well
Such are things we both know
and we think we should say
just to organize the stains
Systems reveal their construction these days
as we escape to drift further away
We know the stars go out one night
but I can't tell you anything you wouldn't know
So nothing has been lost

It's not over at all
If my thoughts could be here
they'd advice you to leave
It's not easy, I know
making hard things look small
But we're dying to try
You have revealed your conclusion by chance
I have replaced you at little expense
We know the stars go out one night
but I can't think of anything I haven't told
Still, nothing has been lost

When you could use the words reserved for a sad song
You'll find you've spent them up on God and everyone
Like anyone before

It's not over at all
You're just trying to smile
I know perfectly well
It's not over
but oh, if my thoughts could be here
They'd advice you to leave
We will be cold where the lights are all out
but at least we can think without reason or doubt
I don't know much about this world
but I can tell you one thing as I pass you by
Nothing has been lost

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